Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Today the 1st of Shevat , Jan. 8 in Jewish History

On the 1st day of Shevat, the Biblical plague of ARBEH (locust) started to the Egyptians at the time when the Jews were in the Egyptian exile.

These arbeh were not ordinary locusts. They ate up all of the grain and vegetation that was left in the fields after the plague of barad (hail). No greenery remained on the trees or the crops of the field in the entire land of Egypt. This was middah kineged middah (measure for measure), for the Jewish slaves had cultivated those fields. The arbeh even ate the clothing and jewelry that the Egyptians were wearing. They penetrated into the innermost rooms of their homes. Normal locusts are harmless, but these arbeh had venomous saliva which killed the Egyptians.
Kosher Corner
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