Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Today the 9th of Shevat , Jan. 16 in Jewish History

Today the 9th of Shevat is the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Eliezer Silver, leader of American Orthodox Jewry, 1968.

Rabbi Eliezer Silver was born in the city of Kovno, Lithuania. He was a descendant of King David from his mother's side and had centuries old rabbinic ancestry.

He studied with the Rogatchover Gaon, Rabbi Yosef Rosen, in Dvinsk, and received Semicha from Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinski in 1906. Rabbi Eliezer Silver immigrated to the United States with his wife in 1907 settled in New York City, to escape the anti-Semitism of Czarist Russia. Rabbi Silver's occupation in his early years was being garment salesman and later on sold insurance.

However, Rabbi Silver soon accepted a Rabbinical position in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. he was part of a delegation of rabbis In 1912, that convinced President William Howard Taft to void a treaty with Russia because of Russia's persecution of Jews.
In 1914, as World War I broke out, Rabbi Silver was traveling abroad to visit his parents and got caught up in Russia . He stayed Stranded for 3 years by Russia's refusal to recognize an American passport issued to a Jew, he unexpectedly returned home in 1917 as his family assumed he had died.

In 1925 he moved to Springfield, Massachusetts. Some time around 1931, he accepted an invitation to become Rabbi in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he remained until his passing.

Rabbi Silver was very active in the Agudath HaRabbonim, and in 1929 was elected its president . He was also a founder, organiser and president of Agudath Israel of America.

Kosher Corner

Kosher Cranberry Juice? Kosher Cherry Juice? Kosher Pomegranate Juice? Why not drink them all?! That's exactly what the famous Maxi Health Kosher Vitamin manufacturer did. Maxi Health Research released a Kosher Drink named CranCherry Supreme. The drink contains all three juices that are beneficial to ones health. This is what Maxi Health Research is saying about this CranCherry Drink. "Healthy Nutritious Juice Concentrate For Overall Health. Supports a Healthy Urinary Tract, Kidney, Bladder & Prostate. CranCherry Supreme is a wonderful & powerful combination of organically grown Cranberries, Black Cherries and Pomegranate to support and maintain overall health especially for the bladder, kidney and prostate."

Judaica Corner

As mentioned in a earlier post, although there are many Tallit brands out there, not all tallit brands are for all people. Today I would like to introduce the Rikmat Elimelech Tallit . The Rikmat Elimelech Tallit is a fine collection featuring Contemporary colors for the modern and traditional Jewish population. These Tallitot you won't find in a Ultra Orthodox community. This Tallit brand is considered a very fine and elegant Tallit, being made with Raw Silk and other expensive materials and fabrics.

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