Monday, November 10, 2008

What Choices will you find when in Search for a Menorah?

So we have discussed Menorah candles. but Candles without a menorah is not really worth anything. So let's discuss the many menorah options one will accounter while shopping for one.

Sterling silver menorahs - Sterling silver menorahs, as you can imagine, are pretty expensive. The cheapest on I could find was a sterling silver menorah manufactured by Hazorfim, an Israeli Judaica silver manufacturer, and goes for $225.00. The most expensive I was able to find was this sterling silver menorah for $6,800. But unless you win a fortune overnight, I don't believe you would want to spend this amount.

Then there is the regular aluminum menorah or glass menorah collections. Glass menorahs are very nice and are a beautiful choice when you want to buy a menorah on the lower costing range, but want to get something nice. Glass menorahs come in many different designs, featuring modern paintings, or mixed with brass, gold etc. I personally love the glass menorahs very much and have bought one in the past. When searching for a nice but low cost Hanukkah gift, I would certainly have a glass menorah among my choices.

We will cover aluminum menorahs at our next posting and also continue to other menorah choices.

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